No more googling content ideas, or downloading freebies, or wasting money on content creation workshops.

Learn the skills to create content specific to you, your audience and your offers.


I think the social media dreamland probably looks something like:

Opening up your phone, effortlessly typing up a caption that you know will
serve your audience of dream clients and creating a graphic or recording a
reel in less than 5 minutes (but you know it looks good)

You then hit ‘post’, set your phone down and feel peace with
what you just shared. You carry on with your client tasks, and when you check your phone you see that the post has performed so well that you’ve gained more followers, gotten incredible engagement and even have some “SIGN ME UP” DM’s in your inbox.

No worry, no obsessive thoughts, no frustration

well hey there, I’m Cheryl!

and I am so exhausted of the gate keeping thats happening online

I can’t tell you how many freebies I downloaded or courses I signed up for that
promised the ‘perfect formula’ to creating content. I would hold my breath hoping
that I finally found the secret solution that would help me create content easier and quicker, just
to be disappointed in what I read - the same thing. Over and over again. Literally everything
I downloaded or threw money at told me the same thing.

‘Use content pillars, post 5 days a week, and here’s the recipe to a viral reel’.

I already knew that, heck, everyone know that. But what about learning what to write, or how to write it? How to build a following, and also how to convert those followers into raving fans who see the value you offer and want to work with you?

I was fed up. How could every single content creator and SM guru be saying the same thing? Why didn’t anyone actually teach the methods and skills that we were all looking for?


A mini course you can do at your own pace that will teach you the skills to creating content that builds your following, attracts your dream clients, connects with you audience and then converts them into clients.

And i’m not talking about this just from a ‘client = money’ aspect. I want you to be able to stand out and speak to your dream clients because they are the ones who will see the value in what you have to offer and be willing to do the work because they trust that you are their final solution

This is the final content course you will ever need to take.






Like sit down on a Monday morning
and write up every caption for the week
ahead in less that 30 minutes type of easier.


No more wondering ‘what do I write?’ Or ‘is this too much detail?’, we’ll teach you how to get specific in your message, share stories that resonate with your clients & differentiate yourself from your competitors by sharing your spicy perspectives.


Finally be able to convey the value you
have to offer, connect with those you really
want to work with & say goodbye to price
objections or the clients who always seem to
’ghost’ you.

So, whats included?

Here’s everything you get when you sign up for the Content Code!

7 Modules of funducational content that’s going to provide you with all of the skills and knowledge to create content that converts, and quickly too



Access to our personalized and proven questionnaires that allow you to truly uncover who your ideal client is and what they desire, so you can finally get a grasp on who exactly you are talking to online.


A four week content strategy calendar that will break apart what to focus on each week and what topics to utilize for your content so you can be leading your audience through the Awareness Method and creating loyal clients.


Service/Offer breakdown to help you understand what makes you different in your industry, what you can leverage in your messaging to help you stand out in the sea of coaches, healers and counsellors, and how your offerings are the key solution to what your ideal client is looking for.


Tips and techniques on how to take a broad content idea and turn it into a list of relevant, specific, soul connecting content that will call in your dream clients.


Your own custom Content Code Manual that’s going to organize the chaos of creating content and provide you with our streamlined method of creating 30+ topics in less than 30mins.

“The value provided inside the Content Code was so much more than I could’ve even imagined.

Before finding Hey Sunny Studio I would spend wayyyy too much time trying to craft a social media post (like 1-2 hours). This led me to not posting consistently because who has that much time to dedicate a day? I also had ZERO strategy for my post. I would just throw something up and cross my fingers it hit with the right person.

I saw a few of the HSS posts and really resonated with what they were saying. It was like they made this course exactly for me, it’s like they were in my head and knew what I was struggling with. After seeing their posts consistently for a few weeks I decided to reach out and just get more info and I’m SO glad I did!

When I got my actual Content Code manual it was so clear, understandable and easy to follow. There’s an unbelievable amount of knowledge provided and I feel like I could easily map out my content for months at a time with everything that was provided.

I’m excited to sit down, plan out my content at least a week in advance if not a month in advance in just a few hours vs spending 1-2 hours a day trying to make and write a post. This is going to save me so much TIME that I can put back into my clients and also give me so much of my life and stress back.


— Victoria, Victoria Gibbs Wellness



We want you to be able to complete this course in less than 3 hours and immediately get to writing your captions and booking out your 1:1 services.

So for a limited time when you sign up for the Content Code you’ll also receive:

  • 15 templates for static posts and carousels along with 5 reel covers that you can use in Canva to ensure your feed is staying aesthetically pleasing and your posts are standing out amongst the sea of other service providers.

  • Ever wonder how people get those cool effects and layouts in Canva while you’re just trying to navigate how to change the colour of a gradient block? This mini workshop is going to take you through setting up your brand kit (hello time saver!), layering text, utilizing layers to create stand out designs and more trade secrets that we use as designers!

  • I’ve totally been there after completing a mini course and wondering if I even did it right, that’s why for a limited time we’re offering 1:1 Homework Review Audits. You send us your completed homework, your Content Code Manual and we’ll do a review video with custom tips, further areas to explore and anything else you may need to make your content even better!

Look, and I totally get it if you’re apprehensive…

You’re probably asking yourself: will this just be another one of those courses that you purchase but never do? Or that you’ll walk away feeling disappointed, confused and unsure of yourself?

But I promise you this one is different. After you complete this course and implement strategies we teach you, you’re going to be a content creation machine.

I used to take 2hrs to make 1 IG post - between designing the graphic and writing the caption. Now I’m able to get a post out in less than 5 minutes, and better yet - we’ve been able to book out our services consistently for over 6 months, because of everything we’re about to teach you.

Here’s a sneak peek at the modules inside



Finally get the clarity in who you are as a health & wellness brand within your industry. We’ll uncover things like what makes you different from your competitors, similarities to leverage between you and your dream clients and how to position your brand as the expert you know you are.


Time to add purpose behind your posts! Learn the breakthrough formula to creating a brand that stands out online and in your dream clients mind. Ever get hit with that ‘but how detailed should I be?!’ thought? We used to as well, and it’ll be a thing of the past for you now too.


Building a successful brand online takes so much more than just posting consistently and hoping things will magically work out. You need some form of strategy to follow and a framework that you can rely on to turn your profile viewers to followers and finally into loyal clients. In Module Three you’ll learn all about the Missing Piece and our 3S solution to coming up with content that stops the scroll.


The meaty part starts here. We see all the time from brand experts and SM managers that we should ‘know our ideal client’ - that’s great and all, but how do you get to know them? What questions do you ask that actually matter? Will knowing their favourite band actually make a difference in marketing to them? In Module Four we’ll take you through our custom questionnaire and explain exactly how it’s relevant and how to use your answers to create more specific and compelling content.


This may sound blunt but, do you actually know the results your ideal client has after working with you? If you don’t understand how your offer mirrors the needs and desires of your ideal client then you’ll always market your services like a menu, and that can start to feel salesy. In Module Five we’re going to break down each of your services, what the outcomes are, break them apart even more to find relevant context and marry it all together with your ideal clients dream desires.


Now we get to the content strategizing, brainstorming and mapping. You just spent the last 5 modules gaining all of this insightful knowledge about who you are, how you help people and what those dream people desire, now let’s put it into action so you can learn how to write captions quickly, easily and with purpose. After you complete Module Six you’ll be able to brainstorm 30+ topics for content and apply them to a strategized 30 day calendar. Not only that - you’ll understand how to do this time and again, which means no more scouring the internet or creeping your competitor for new post ideas.




  • Feeling unclear, defeated, and not sure how to attract more clients

  • Posting consistently but not getting any bites

  • Ready to find relief & have a plan for creating content that actually works

  • Ready to understand who you and your brand is

  • Eager to serve & help as many women as possible

  • Spending way too much time on canva, picking fonts and colours and layouts

  • Ready to grow your brand strategically and sustainably


  • Just want a -done-for-you plan (like those countless generic meal plans out there) with all of your post captions created

  • Don’t really care about understanding your dream clients

  • Aren’t in a place that you want to plan your content and would rather just wing it everyday

  • Love spending 2+ hours on canva

  • Have a consistent, steady stream of new followers every month and are converting them into paying clients consistently

and if you’re still on the fence…

Hear it from our clients!

Answers to your Questions

  • There is 1.5 hours of videos within the course, a few questionnaires to work through, and some brainstorming and organizing. All in all you could complete this is 3-4hrs on a sunny morning while drinking coffee!

  • No. This is not your cookie cutter content workshop. We created this course to give you the skills, techniques, bank of information and strategy to be able to create content quickly. After this course you’ll be able to whip up 30 days worth of content in record time.

  • I’m so glad you loved the material in the Content Code! We are currently working on developing a Brand Growth Mini Mentorship where we’ll work with you 1:1 to develop a 3 month growth plan including: funnels to create, freebies to develop, marketing areas to focus on, further guidance with content, brand design, sales page design and so much more! Sign up for our newsletter and make sure to follow us on IG to stay in the loop.

  • Anyone in the space of working with another individual to better themselves!

    Coaches, Healers, Counsellors, Instructors, Therapists, Intuitives, Consultants, Doctors and more!

    Those who host events, retreats, courses, workshops - whether that’s in person or online.

  • This course was originally created for service providers, however if you’re tired of banging your head against the wall trying to sell your products then you are going to take away ALOT of helpful information from this course.

  • Because this is a digital course there are no returns or exchanges.

The Content Code
One time
For 2 months

The last content course you will ever need. Finally learn the skills to creating content that converts, quickly and easily!

✓ 7 Modules of funducational content
✓ Learn how to create IG posts in less than 5 mins a day
✓ Build a 4 week custom content strategy calendar
✓ Create 30 days of posts in less than 1 hour
✓ Attract your ideal clients & book out your services

Your dream clients are itchin’ to find you and your unique style of coaching.

And you’re ready to gain a content system that saves you time, energy and calls in those dream clients.

It’s time to ditch the Algorithm Anxiety

And crack the code on creating content that coverts.

You in?